There is no peace you can find anywhere you go that was not with you to begin with.
More insight to come to sum up the month, soon : )
Challenge Wrap-up
Culinary: Bake 7 loaves of bread a week.
Tried some spiced Loaf, but didn't pay too much care:

Left this in the oven for about an hour too long:

Getting back into the groove with it:

Good spread:

Soggy Oggy with some fresh bread:

Probably my best tasting loaf yet:

This is something that I will be taking with me through my life, with a little time, not many ingredients and not too much attention paid I can make a damn fine loaf of bread now. This is a great example to me of something that seemed daunting becoming almost effortless.
Musical: Listen to 5 new bands
kitsunenoir - Great weekly mixes every Friday
The Antlers
The Rural Alberta Advantage
Miike Snow - good trying on clothes music
Goddamn Electric Bill
Nujabes His music lives on
These are some of the ones I've enjoyed^. I need to continue to try to listen to new music, but really listen to it, give it a chance.
Physical: No shoes
Trying to remove shoes when possible.
Shoes are evil, our feet are tremendously receptive to the world.
Structural: Workout before breakfast
Some good workouts with it.
When I work out early in the morning it gives me a jump start to the day, I have energy through it.
If I make myself a nice breakfast and tell myself I've got to workout before eating it then it becomes a lot easier to make it happen.
Creative: Create one thing
Leap Shirt:

My message to you:

This month with this challenge I've created more than I have in a long time. Perfectionism masked as 'standards' stops creation. We've all got a certain amount of bad art in us, we need to get it out to get to the good stuff!
Mental: Watch a TED talk
Ken Kamler speaks about the 1996 Everest Disaster. I've read this from Krakauer's and Visteur's point of view but his is different, and more than incredible in it's own respect
I've learned some amazing things, and it's always important to remember that we can change the world, the people out there are solving problems that wouldn't be thought possible to solve.
Social: Random Acts of Kindness
Started adding (Pass it on) to the notes I hand out.
Handed out "You're Beautiful, never forget it" and "You're great, this is easy"
How can we positively effect the world in our everyday life, how can we let others now that the world cares, that there is good and truth and beauty.
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