This weekend has been a rough one with keeping up with the bread. I was on a morning rise and I decided to try and switch over to an evening. I ended up losing a day in the process and had to get up early. I'm not worried, 7 a week means I can make a couple loaves in a day, but altering my current schedule really knocked me off the baking flow.
This bread I bake is a buddhist loaf, that is to say, no knead.
Musical: Learn Guitar
I'm going to alter this permanently to "listen to 5 bands I haven't before". I'd really like to know how to play guitar, and what's more I'd like to learn from someone I know. I think that condition is one I would have to lift in order to make progress on it this month, so with no further justification, I'll be opening my ears to some unheard tunes.
Physical: No shoes
This one is a tough one for me to fully wrap my head around. No shoes is explicit but there are times when it's hard to make the call for whether it's necessary. For now if I'm walking somewhere outside I've taken to not wearing shoes, maybe carrying a pair of sandals to slip on, but if I've got to make it to a train or I'm going inside somewhere or I'm just trying not to be that guy I've taken to wearing them. I've pushed it a bit, and I've talked about it a bit too.
What I'm worried about here is the social aspect, putting up a barrier. I'd like to always to be approachable, I don't want my outward appearance to put anyone off or make anyone uncomfortable but at the same time I want to be able to encourage people to think different.
Structural: Workout before breakfast
This has encouraged me to make some good breakfasts to encourage me into working out. I've had some good workouts so far, the idea I'm using now is really just grease the groove for eating, it becomes a way to earn the meal, or in the words of the warrior diet, to 'simulate the hunt'.
Creative: Create one thing
Charlie suggested that I try and write some articles so I'm going to textually represent some of my opinions.
Mental: Watch a TED talk
Gary Vaynerchuk talks about doing what you love. This is an absolute must see.
Do what you love, no excuses.
Patience and Passion.
Social: Compliment 5 people
I really want to believe in this as a way I can grow but I think in it's current form it doesn't allow for much challenge. I keep thinking to myself that I say enough compliments, but I don't like the idea of not trying to better myself because I already believe myself adequate at it.
Rick suggested that I do one random act of kindness a day, and I think that's a beautiful idea, I didn't change to it because I had already chosen this as my challenge but as a further experiment in thinking different I'll be using that from now on.
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