I got a lot of time for quiet reflection up in the woods this past weekend, to make it better I've been rereading Walden and pawing through Laotse.
Some good thoughts have come of that, here are some passages from Laotse I thought were worthwhile:
One who considers himself great can not be considered great 32:1
To know truth and not be able to follow it is called disease
If you have a lot of money - share it with others. Then what business will you have to attend to? A sage lives like a partridge (without a constant abode) and he eats like a young bird (contented with whatever the mother bird gives him) he goes about like a bird (without definite destination) and does not declare himself. Whe the world is in order he prospers with all things, and when the world is in chaos he cultivates his character and leads a leisurely life.
The fam at the summit.
Culinary: Bake 7 loaves of bread a week.
baked this the day I left and this the day I came back
Got a little rusty, will start a new loaf tomorrow morning.
Musical: Learn Guitar
No music learned
Physical: No shoes
Ski Boots
Structural: Workout before breakfast
Worked out plenty, breakfast was always amazing too.
Creative: Create one thing
Just journal writing
Mental: Watch a TED talk
no technology until the 8th, then I watched Bonnie Bassler talk. Pretty good, she goes into cellular communication and how we can use it to our advantage to fight off diseases and strengthen our immune systems.
a thought to leave you on - of all the cells that are a part of us, 90% are bacteria
Social: Compliment 5 people
Quiet weekend. I have endless compliments for the place I stayed though. Stump Sprouts is something I really believe in.
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