"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."
Here's to trying new things, and to doing things you don't want to because you don't want to.
I've fallen behind on most of these. I'm trying to better understand that we do have the time and energy for the things we care about and to better understand how to tap that to push forward into the unknown.
Culinary: Bake 7 loaves of bread a week.
Hectic schedule makes for hectic bread. The last loaf I made rose for too long both times and baked for the wrong amount of time, but it ended up delicious. As my mom says, bread is very forgiving, maybe we can learn something from that.
Musical: 5 new bands
Thanks to excellent response on my facebook post I've got a whole mess of bands to check out.
Physical: No shoes
Trying to see opportunities for not wearing them when I normally would. Took them off on the walk home.
Structural: Workout before breakfast
This has become more of a "if I've got the time" issue, and whether I plan on doing anything physical that day.
Creative: Create one thing
I'm going to have to catch up.
Mental: Watch a TED talk
I just haven't been keeping up with this, I'm going to try to remember to put one on while I'm doing other things. Bread time is usually good for this.
Social: random act of kindness
This keeps slipping my mind, I'm going to write on my hand to remember.
Doing things you don't want to do, because you don't want to do them, only to find out that you do what to do them. Sometimes we don't even know what we want. We'll we think we know. We'll actually we do know.