Off to a bit of a slow start this month.
Culinary: Bake 7 loaves of bread a week.
So far I've baked a couple of no knead loaves, they've come out lovely. The loaf rising now is whole wheat. I'll be expanding my repertoire through the month but for now this is a simple routine I can add daily.
Musical: Learn Guitar
Cristal dropped off her guitar, someone else suggested I do this, and I've really always wanted to know how to play. If I'm around someone who plays I'll ask for a little lesson, something I can practice, but that hasn't happened yet so I've just been pawing at it.
Physical: No shoes
On the first I went to a convenience store and the supermarket, one guy there said "you're cool" with sarcastic undertones. Last night I went out an an adventure with Zac. About a mile from my house my feet started getting pretty numb so I ended up caving on it there.
Structural: Workout before breakfast
Light workout before breakfast, dips and pullups, with weighted toe to bar and some good mornings (It was only a few but feel I them this morning).
Creative: Create one thing
I've been makings some light renovations in my room, I'll take some pictures of them.
Mental: Watch a TED talk
I haven't watched a TED talk yet : (
Social: Compliment 5 people
When I say this people always say something along the lines of "they should be genuine compliments". This is an experiment in thinking different, and change requires emulation, so at least for some period of time I will be complimenting when I otherwise wouldn't. To me that's not genuine, but perhaps I can learn something from lowering my high standard of acceptable times to compliment.
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