sow a thought, and you reap an act;
sow an act, and you reap a habit;
sow a habit, and you reap a character;
sow a character, and you reap a destiny.
make moves
Culinary: Bake 7 loaves of bread a week.
Whole wheat loaf today
Musical: Learn Guitar
No moves on this, my friend said that she would help on Monday so until then I'm going to listen to five new bands every day.
Physical: No shoes
I walked to the train station and trained in Central Park. In the snow it's relatively impractical to not wear shoes, but I try to do it as I can.
Structural: Workout before breakfast
Big training days are going to be an exception.
Creative: Create one thing
Nothing created.
Mental: Watch a TED talk
Daniel Kahneman talks about the riddle of experience. (Put Link Here) It was pretty interesting, he talked about the difference between the happiness and well being. Essentially he was saying the difference between experiencing and remembering.
money doesn't money buy you happiness, but lack of money does buy you misery
Social: Compliment 5 people
I complimented people during the day, it's really about just making the connection between thinking something and saying it. I think I'm going to change this to Zac's suggestion of "Start a conversation with someone you haven't yet"
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