There seems to be an unnecessary amount of mental energy put forth to determine a hierarchy of importance amongst tasks at hand. From that seems to span a myriad of problems.
I noticed this at first when I decided I should shovel the snow, my thoughts first went to shoveling snow and then weighed through a couple other things I could do, eventually settling on the shovel. I think all too often having these thoughts delays me from doing what I know I need to do, and sometimes it even pacifies the desire to at all.
With so many choices how can we know which one is right? Be proactive, always do right and always move forward.
Structural: Sleep 6 hours nightly
This is the first night that I got to bed close to midnight and went to sleep. I woke up around 7 naturally and got right up with a lot of energy. I shoveled the walk and the driveway and headed right in to update this blog, which while still the next day was about 7 hours sooner than I managed to do it the day before. I had more time to reflect in the morning and had a generally more peaceful and positive attitude throughout the day.
Physical: Stretch regularly (min 20 minutes)
I'm going going to stretch briefly before going to sleep tonight. I need to make this a bigger priority. Zac showed me some techniques yesterday that I hope to continue using, and I realized my arms are not as flexible as I might have thought.
Mental: Learn 10 common sayings in 10 different languages
Justin shared a couple phrases with me while mopping the floors.
watashi wa neko otabi mas - I eat cats
Watashi no meishi desu - This is my namecard
I'm definitely not prioritizing this enough to get 100 by the end of the month, but I am asking different people for little phrases that they know.
Musical: Listen to only classical music
I didn't listen to enough classical music. I tried a bit on one comp to no avail and ended up murdering my ears a bit with some more contemporary noise that was on in the background.
Creative: Practice better penmanship
I've been thinking a lot about this but not doing it. Tomorrow I am going to buy a nice pad and pen and try not talking. I think this will foster a stronger desire to write. Small talk is fine, Big talk has to be written.
Emotional: Hug 5 people
I've been essentially hugging the same people, it's comfortable and wonderful but not really in the spirit of the experiment. I did get rejected for a hug though for the first time since I started this. I offered a hug to a lady at the Terra Cotta soldier exhibit at the National Geographic. She had shared a lot with us about the soldiers and I thought perhaps a sufficient bond had been made. Her and her research friend both giggled at it though and all I got was a handshake. I'd like to think that she wouldn't be allowed to hug someone coming to her place of work, but also that she could use a hug, and maybe the expressed intent was enough to brighten her day.
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