This is something I wrote this morning.
For all that a man was he stared at three stones;
he could distantly reflect that these stones sat upon the side of a road;
for he could distantly remember what brought him to these stones.
For all that he was he could tell you of three stones and for all that he wanted;
he wanted nothing more.
He had grown to understand that he knew these three stones.
He had grown to forget about other stones.
Comparative relation can only be achieved by understanding the other side.
By simple understanding from a fixed perspective he could not see any other stones to which he could relate those three
By simple understanding from a fixed perspective he could not see all the sides of the things he valued most
By simple understanding from a fixed perspective he could not see the beauty to the movement he was missing
He has changed, he is no longer complacent with his complacency
He sees distinct value in walking; Immediate value in standing up
There are so many ways down the road; so many choices to make
Intrinsic value can be found in each choice
Structural: Sleep 6 hours nightly
Communication ended up interfering with this goal. I was able to wake up when I was supposed to and had enough energy through the day to continuously be awake.
Physical: Stretch regularly (min 20 minutes)
I didn't stretch
Mental: Learn 10 common sayings in 10 different languages
I didn't further study any languages
Musical: Listen to only classical music
I listened to a lot of classical music. We played a station in the car on the way to DC and were playing stations during most of the day at Primal. We watched an action sequence from "The Tournament" with music playing in the background, it really seemed to make the scene much more epic than the original sounds.
I realized I didn't remember the actual song that was playing while watching the video, so I'm going to pay closer attention to be able to distinguish better different composers.
Creative: Practice better penmanship
I learned today that to write well you are supposed to write from the shoulder and the arm, not the wrist and the fingers. I spent a good amount of time on exercises utilizing this concept. It's hard because I realize that I'll have to put a great deal of effort to learn another way of writing, so that the outcome of not putting effort forth while writing is much more visually appealing and legible.
I'm going to try to write more things more often, I think by practicing what I'm learning and implementing a change that forces a greater importance to legibility I will challenge myself in a way that will improve my handwriting.
Emotional: Hug 5 people
I hugged 5 people: Justin, Janine, Rob, Amanda, and Zac. Technically Zac and I are still hugging. The different hugs had various levels of organic energy, but I made sure that I put enough conscious thought forth to accomplish my goal of hugging 5 people. With Amanda and Justin I noticed that I said hi and then decided it would be a good opportunity to hug.
Hugs are generally pleasant, and maybe the greatest thing about hugs is when you hug someone, you are generally hugged back. It's a warm and nice acknowledgment of each other, it holds a higher standing and allows for a stronger connection.
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