To know is to love.
"The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there." - Pirsig
To better understand the gap between what I want to do and doing it.
I talked with my friends mom, she told me about going back to her old farm in Poland and bringing one of her clients and their family with her. They went out to dig up some potatoes and she said that the children loved it, it was new to them, an adventure. It was something she remembers as a child as a terrible chore.
I want to approach things with a child-like sense of adventure. It makes me happy just thinking about it!
Structural: Sleep 6 hours nightly
I'm still not sure exactly how long or what time this should be. I think I've settled on at least six hours between 12-8. I ended up talking until two or so. I didn't wake up from my alarm, probably a sign of not getting enough sleep. I had enough energy during the day but I ended up taking a nap during a long drive home in the snow. I don't know whether this is a sign of not getting enough sleep or maybe a sign that I should take naps.
Physical: Stretch regularly (min 20 minutes)
I stretched with Justin at Primal. It was awesome, we started off with a light jog around the room, with obstacles and movements thrown in at whim, after a few laps Justin decided he was bored of that and took off down the hallway, I followed him downstairs then outside, where we jogged around the block then cut into the alley and back to the gym. When we headed back inside we dodged a bit and rolled, then continued back upstairs. I heard someone doing crossfit say "what the hell was that".
It's been a while since I felt snow between my toes, and following Justin was really just movement for the sake of movement, it's an incredible feeling and my training hasn't had that in it for a long time.
After the light warm-up we stretched starting at our toes and working up. Time constraints stopped us from really getting through the whole routine so I look forward to tomorrow.
I figured out some problem areas and found out that I need to make it more of a point to drink more water.
Mental: Learn 10 common sayings in 10 different languages
I learned thank you in a couple different languages, but I'll need to make more of a point to do this.
Musical: Listen to only classical music
Listened to some Vivaldi on the car ride. I'm trying to pay more attention to the composers I'm listening to.
Quint at Primal introduced me to along with a Toccata by Bach. I think I could probably learn a lot about classical from him, he really thinks it's tight as hell.
Creative: Practice better penmanship
I've been making more of a point to write, but I need to learn more about it as well.
Emotional: Hug 5 people
I hugged Justin and Janine today, good hugs. While a bit drowsy at the supermarket Janine went to look for a stockboy to look to see if they had any leeks in the back. He came back empty handed so I hugged him and told him it was all right.
More and more I'm realizing that when you hug the world it hugs back : )
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